
Smokey Bites and the Power of your Vibe

You know how you meet someone and they simply get you? He or she is "on the same page", laughs at your jokes, shares the way you share and connects on the same level.  There's this draw to be in the same room and a massive sense of relief knowing you don't have to care, try, or put any effort into pleasing her/him.  The way you look, speak, act, sing, dress, eat, or what you talk about is not only expected, but accepted. The best part of all, is the ability of this specific human to make you feel loved. It's the power of your vibe.  You found your tribe.

After MANY conflicting thoughts and all-consuming doubts, I'll never forget the day my therapist gave it to me straight: "Audrey, not everyone is going to like you".  While I knew this, absolutely, it broadsided me like the day my brother missed the baseball conveniently pitched inches from my head.  My heart hurt in the same way my brain felt the blow from the bat.  His words are truth, my truth, and it took way too long for me to embrace it.  

Always needing and seeking validation is life-draining--It will never be possible to please the masses.  These bites came alive after 3 years of coaching and hearing there's a great demand for savory snacks--similar to a desire the majority of my clients have to feel accepted as they are.  The same concept Brene Brown describes as "love and belonging".  When I went into coaching I could not have predicted either one which is actually quite funny given my life story...Haha, always learning over here.  All people can be kind, open-minded, driven by empathy and compassion, yet it's realistic to conclude not everyone is going to understand your vibe. IT'S OK. NEXT!  Keep working on loving yourself in the same way and your tribe will come along.

If you are stuck, constantly prying yourself away from the salty treats at the store[you bought and are in the pantry] I think you might want to give these a try!  You may have to think "outside the box" and be open to the textures and flavor.  If you can't, I'd still love your feedback!

Smokey Fiesta Power Bites by Audrey Byker

Smokey Fiesta Power Bites by Audrey Byker

Smokey Fiesta Power Bites

By Audrey Byker, Health Coach inspired by Minimalist Baker's "Everyday Cooking"

1 Cup roasted walnuts

1/4 tsp onion powder

1/4 tsp granulated garlic

3/4 Tbls chili powder

1 Tbls nutritional yeast(optional)

1 Tbls cocoa powder(optional)

1/2 Tbls cumin powder

Sea salt, two pinches

Black pepper, fresh ground to taste

1 Tbls pure maple syrup

1 Cup cooked quinoa

1 14oz can black beans, drained and rinsed

1 Tbls dried chives

Add walnuts, onion powder, granulate garlic, chili powder, nutritional yeast, cumin, salt, pepper and pure maple syrup to a food processor.  Process until paste forms.  In a large bowl add drained and rinsed black beans and smash with a fork, leaving a small amount whole.  Next add quinoa, chives and nut paste to the bowl then stir together to form a dough.  Roll into 1 inch balls and serve or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator up to 1 week or freeze up to 6 months.  Good at room temp for many hours!

Bonus: These bites have multiple uses!  Use dough to make veggie burgers or sprinkle on a salad after pan frying in olive oil.  Use as a meat replacement.  They make an excellent post workout recovery food, high in protein, fat and nutrients. 



Chow?  Really? I know, my creative brain is on fire!

Anyway, earlier this summer I posted this on Instagram: 

Shortly after the post, and then dozens of times following that, I've been contacted to share this recipe.  Since I am a holistic health coach I found myself in the middle of a moral dilemma.  You see, the base of this recipe is not a whole food. It's not brown rice covered in real nutrient dense goodness; it's a processed, stripped, mashed up, molded form of fake food.  It's white rice squares.

Then, I thought about real life.  Real people and real problems.  If I find joy and comfort in knowing I took an addictive childhood treat and added nutrition to it in a way that I can justify feeding it not only to my family, but also myself, then this needs to be shared!  It's the truth and like all circumstances in life involving the release of secrets, once they are out you are FREE!!

So, the secrets out.  I am not perfect. Actually, I hate perfectionism and am a self proclaimed recovering perfectionist.  Here is my "Chow" recipe.  My kids beg for it and I love it as an occasional treat occasionally justified as a snack on the go or upon occasion on the beach.  Ok, ok, sometimes it's a lunch box staple--ahh, another slip up!  Either way, join me in the journey of striving for better, not perfect, and clean up Betty Crocker's oh so addictive version of this treat.


By Audrey Byker Health Coach

9 cups Corn rice or wheat squares cereal*

1 cup dark chocolate chips (Enjoy Life ideal, Ghiradelli 60% cocoa or more)

1/2 cup natural nut or seed butter, unsweetened 

2 Tbls coconut oil**

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup powdered sugar (organic if possible)

1 cup finely shredded unsweetened coconut***


Measure cereal into a large bowl (do not talk or think about anything else or you will have to start over).  Melt chocolate chips, coconut oil and nut butter in a glass measuring cup in the microwave or on the stove in a double broiler (my favorite method).  Add vanilla.  Pour over cereal once smooth and stir well until cereal absorbs mixture, set aside.  Mix coconut with powdered sugar then add to cereal mixture.  Add to large airtight container and cover with lid.  Shake like crazy and have a dance party.  Open and enjoy!  Store in fridge or on the counter for up to 6 days.  If you're looking to keep it clean keep chilled.

*Use rice or corn for gluten free

**For coconut free use ghee or vegan butter(earth balance)

***For coconut free get creative and use ground roasted nuts or seeds. Yum!

Candied Nuts and Seeds


It's true, obesity, ADD/ADHD, autism, allergies, cancer and autoimmune diseases are on the rise in children living in the United States.  As a mother and educator this does not sit well with me.  Real food not only prevents disease, but it can dramatically lessen symptoms, and in many circumstances, heal.  

After working 3 years in the schools, the decision was made to make all lunches for my family as long as our children would choose strawberry milk and Bosco sticks outside of our supervision.  Today, with 2 in school, I'm shocked to hear from them they ALWAYS want mom to make their lunch.  While there are definitely weeks where I'd give a lot not to care, making lunches is a small thing I can do to help my babies thrive.  

Candied Nuts and Seeds was born from the realization that children unite when it comes to having a love for sweets.  They especially love snacky treats they can carry in a bag and crumple up to shove in their pockets.  While raw nuts alone are insanely full of macro and micronutrients our bodies need, they seriously lack in satisfying flavor and crunch their packaged food rivals have to offer.  The best way to eat these is in a small bowl alongside some delicious fruits and veggies "of course"--as my 3-yr.-old would say!

Candied Nuts and Seeds

By Audrey Byker Health Coach

6 cups of raw nuts and seeds of your choice (cost makes the decision for me)

2 Tbls coconut sugar

1/4 cup melted coconut oil or ghee

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1/2 tsp fine grain sea salt (or to taste)

A sprinkle of cinnamon (optional)

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.  Add nuts and seeds to large bowl.  Combine remaining ingredients then pour over nuts and seeds. Stir and toss well to coat.  Spread on large baking sheet.  Place in oven then set timer for 15 min.  Toss and shake around every 15 min. for 45 min. bake time total.  I keep setting my timer so I can multitask without distraction!  Cool completely then store in an air-tight container at room temp. or freeze for 6+ months in Ball jars.  I've never had them sit longer than a few days!