Audrey Byker, Health Coach

Audrey Byker is so much more than a health coach. She was born and raised in small town Zeeland, MI--a Hope College graduate - Audrey began her career working as a teacher with a passion for nutrition, fitness and health. She has a degree in Physical Education and English with a certification from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is now Board Certified(ICHWC)!

At 26 years old, as a new mom, she found herself completely burnt out from living the draining lifestyle that society claimed to be the key to optimal wellness. She was sick, addicted to the scale and sugar, and it showed.

After a decade of healing herself and learning the truth behind what it takes to maintain the highest quality of life through a different yet simple approach, Audrey began working as a health coach. She has coached countless individuals to own their lives and discover what works for them.

Driven by her empathic spirit and contagious passion, Audrey Byker is now West Michigan’s health and wellness coach. Audrey Byker is the missing link in the healthcare system.

During her nutrition coaching programs, Audrey educates individuals ready for change about the essential foundations for creating a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. Beyond transforming the lives of her clients, Audrey Byker enjoys spending time with her husband and three kids, exploring everything that Michigan has to offer, or creating new recipes in the kitchen where her creative spark comes alive.

Beyond The Coaching - Philanthropic Efforts:

Beginning in the spring of 2018 Audrey Byker joined the Ottawa Food Nutrition Strategizing Committee. This committee is a local group of volunteers who are on a mission to be, create and implement the changes they are passionate about in healthy and nutrition throughout Ottawa County. Audrey Byker works as one of a few health coaches in the program and is passionate about this great cause. To learn more, visit: and enjoy the cooking demo videos below! Currently, Audrey is working with the local team at Community Action House as a volunteer to design the demo teaching kitchen at the new Food Club: set to open at the end of October, 2021.