My top goals upon starting a program with Audrey were to find a healthy balanced diet that could be a lifestyle and to reduce or better manage my stress. The biggest tangible change I have noticed is my outlook. I’m more confident than ever about this sustainable lifestyle...there is no dreaded “last day” like on a diet or “what’s next”. I’m already doing it! Audrey is amazing and such a bright and encouraging person!
— Courtney, Saugatuck, MI
After experiencing a lot of pain, our Kinesiologist gave my husband a very limited diet plan. It didn’t take long for me to realize I had no idea where to begin or what I could possibly make for meals with so many foods “not allowed”. I connected with Audrey and she gave great suggestions for meals and also helped me make a grocery list. I have her amazing chicken taco soup cooking right now! Thank you, Audrey! I couldn’t have done it without you!
— MN, Zeeland, MI
I would describe Audrey as funny and good at holding me accountable while helping me to identify my feelings and emotions. The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been, despite an unexpected and sad development at home, I feel healthy and am continuing my healing lifestyle. I feel so much more positive!
— Lisa, Grand Rapids, MI
In beginning my program with Audrey, my goals were to learn how to eat healthier, get back into a regular fitness routine, and feel better about myself overall. After 6 months I feel so much better—my physical ailments don’t bug me as much which shows how far I’ve come and pushes me to go further!
— Brianna, Holland, MI

"My top goals upon starting the 6-month program were to 1) Enhance the probabilities of achieving my athletic goals: completing one or more 100 mile runs, completing the "Georgia Death Race", completing the "Rim to Rim Grand Canyon Run" and running the Appalachian Trail. 2) Implement nutrition and lifestyle improvements.

Audrey was able to help me work toward these goals by assisting me in changing my nutrition and lifestyle practices including sleeping improvements and decreased reliance on prescription drugs.

The most significant overall change I have noticed has been improved ability to literally "take a deep breath", and further enjoy life no matter what the situation--knowing Audrey is there in full support of my efforts.  I would describe her as effective in all regards and recommend her to anyone wanting to improve their sense of well-being."

-Dr. Stan Fortuna, Grand Haven, MI

"Audrey is so easy to talk to and a great listener! She is encouraging and supportive, but definitely holds you accountable to your goals.  She is filled with wisdom and shares that on many levels including emailing information, talking it through and holding your hand every step of the way. The most significant overall change I notice after 6 months is I am not obsessing about my weight! I eat nutritious foods and have moved away from allowing the scale to be a dictator! Audrey was able to help me work toward these goals by introducing me to "gut-health" right away and taught about healthy, grounding foods I enjoy--satisfying to my taste buds and hunger.  She started a gut-healing process which included ideas for different drinks instead of the wine and held me accountable in a supportive, loving way. She is a blessing!"

-Cindy, Spring Lake, MI

"My top three goals upon beginning to work with Audrey were to gain accountability, increase exercise and make better food choices on a daily basis.  Audrey helped me reach my goals through encouragement, emailing new recipes and pointing me in a different direction than my own desires for bad habits.  The most significant overall changes I have noticed has been less upper respiratory infections, weight loss and consistent motivation!  I stayed on track eating healthy and was able to eliminate foods that were not good for my health!"

-Perla, Holland, MI

"I would recommend my coach to fricken everyone!  We all need this!  My goals upon starting the program were to 1) Stop hating myself/food shame 2) Create better food-life balance 3) Experience more joy.  The most significant overall change I have noticed is I see my reflection and actually say nice things.  How I talk, what I think, how I plan and what I eat is ALL different.  My eating is changing, but my mindset is my biggest win.  Audrey used "real talk", perspective, encouragement, and frequent reality checks to help me work toward my goals."

-Courtney, Holland, MI

"My goals upon starting the 6-month program were to be able to feed my family healthy food and listen to my body. Audrey gave me tools, advice, ideas and a lot of truth talk to get me to experience food freedom, less cravings and overall stability. I feel GREAT and notice I can rest when I need to and celebrate when I have the energy to do the things I want."

-JD, Holland, MI

"Audrey is a positive person who has helped me break down my goals into manageable tasks.  She is also very truthful and holds me accountable which I really need.  She is realistic--it's a lifestyle not a diet!!  I would recommend her to anyone who needs help with struggles with weight, healthy eating, exercise and a positive attitude.  She is awesome!  I am less stressed and overall happier with all aspects of my life--work, relationships, and my body image which has helped with emotional eating.  I don't beat myself up as much and I am not searching for a magic number on the scale."

-Tracey, Byron Center MI

"Six months ago, I reached a point in my life when I knew something had to change. I had been out of college for over two years and I was still microwaving most of my meals. My self-esteem had plummeted and I hadn’t felt like myself for longer than I care to admit. That’s when my health coaching journey began with Audrey and I am never turning back. Audrey helped me confront my weak points in a healthy and positive way and provided the tools and support to correct them. I grocery shop with confidence now since I know what I am looking for and I feel good about myself leaving with more produce and whole foods, some of which I didn’t even know existed before Audrey. I have discovered resources both online and in cookbooks for simple yet healthy (and still delicious!) recipes. Now I am making 85-90% of my own food! Learning about what to buy at the store, how to cook, and how to have a balanced diet has completely changed my relationship with food for the better. I feel so much more in control and it is so empowering to know that I am taking steps to take care of my mind and body. For anyone searching for answers about how to do the same thing, I highly recommend meeting with Audrey! The support and accountability alone is priceless." 

-Rebecca, Grand Rapids MI

"My top three goals upon starting the 6-month program were to eat healthier and increase veggies, improve overall health, and lose weight.  Audrey helped me see the bigger picture...I have noticed since beginning the program I have less of a focus on food and more on seeking out overall balance.  When life feels balanced, everything else falls into place.  I would recommend her to anyone looking to improve their quality of life!  She is so knowledgable and judgement free. I felt like she totally understood and could relate to my struggles.  Food is not the enemy!"

-Lindsay, Grand Rapids MI

"This program has been great!  I'm bummed to see it come to an end--I feel like I have been given all the tools that I was looking for.  I'm very thankful and blessed to have gone through it.  Audrey is amazing.  Real!  I felt so comfortable with her from the beginning which is not always the case.  I love that she was so knowledgable in every area."  

-Morgan, Holland MI

"Audrey's spirit is contagious with her loving way of life.  I signed up for a 3-month program with her, not knowing what health coaching was all about.  She met me right where I needed her, with any problem I was having in my life(not just food), and showed me how to take control of myself.  Live yourself healthy and love yourself!  Thanks Audrey!"  

-Lauren, Grand Rapids MI

"I am a busy college student who recently became a vegetarian, so my initial goal was to learn how to eat a balanced, healthy, vegetarian diet while juggling my hectic schedule.  I also needed help with controlling food cravings and late-night snacking.  Audrey was able to help me tackle each of my goals by talking through them and then making a specific, doable game plan.  Audrey is my biggest supporter!  Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed, I know I can come talk it out with her."  

-Rachel, Grand Rapids MI

"I would describe Audrey as a beautiful person inside and out.  I immediately saw the compassion and understanding in her that I needed.  She has an amazing soul. I am glad our paths could cross and she could help me these past 6 months.  It went by way too fast!"  

-Ashley, Grand Rapids MI

"Before I met Audrey, the only health regiment I knew was "discipline, burnout, repeat".  Feeling sick and tired had become normal for me, and I was sick and tired of trying unsuccessfully to change it!  I thought Audrey would help me stay disciplined, but her coaching went deeper than that.  Audrey gave me the space to talk things out while asking "high milage" questions to get to the emotional and mental blocks that were keeping me from making healthy choices.  She helped me understand that healthy living doesn't come from an external pressure to perform, but an internal value for myself and my life.  I received a ton of practical help in planning, cooking and eating.  I also received permission to to trust myself in finding a natural rhythm that works for me and my lifestyle.  I now have more energy than I've had in a long time, and my mind is more peaceful.  Audrey's coaching empowered me to live healthy for my body and soul."

-Carrie, Grand Rapids MI

"Audrey was our health coach and worked to help us achieve our goal of better health through nutrition and understanding better food choices. She helped us to reach our goals by understanding our needs and giving us encouragement and recipes and expanding our food choices along the way."

-Emily, Grand Rapids MI

"The old me would be a bundle of nerves. The new me is setting aside perfection and trying to remember 'self-care'.  I owe my sanity to you and your gift for coaching.

-Susan, Grand Rapids MI

"This journey of health coaching has been completely transforming physically, mentally and spiritually.  I have been encouraged to focus on my physical body by being intentional and valuing what I eat and how I exercise... Audrey, thank you for being such an important part of this journey, you are a constant encourager and motivator.  You have a passion for your work and a connection with those you work with.  I'm honored to call you friend.  Thank you for seeing the best in me and for believing I am worth it!  Making positive food choices for me and my family is a steady work in progress but one I am excited to continue working through!"

-Michelle, Holland MI