Nutritionally Fit Cooking Classes 2022: 

Audrey will come to your large group event space!

Step One: Plan your event. Secure location and enough participants to cover the cost.

Step Two: Contact Audrey to secure a date, cost, time, and nutrition theme.

Step Three: Share registration link with guests(or as agreed upon). Ink in your calendars—there are no refunds!

Step Four: Prep space on day of. Host provides space and anything extra including beverages or appetizers.

Step Five: Relax and enjoy! Audrey and her assistant will show up 30 min. before start time with all tools, supplies, and groceries. She will clean the space after class is finished.

Do you have a group of motivated individuals, overwhelmed or uninspired to make healthy eating a priority? Audrey Byker offers cooking classes in the comfort of your chosen space. Audrey will come to you and will teach your group cooking techniques, knife skills, food preparation secrets, and some favorite recipes. Always with a “food as medicine” focus and plenty of samples to share.

These cooking classes are a great way to educate and entertain in a practical way!

Cooking Class Testimonials

"Audrey’s cooking classes opened my eyes to SIMPLE and healthy options for this busy, working mom. The classes inspired me to increase my intentionality in planning, shopping, and creating meals that my family loves. My son was eating raw zucchini last night. Seriously!?!"

-Theresa, Grand Rapids

"I loved Audrey's cooking class. Lots of easy tips and the recipes were delicious!"

-Jill, Zeeland

*No refunds for cancellations or no-shows.  If Audrey is given a 24+ hour notice for cancellation the balance can be applied to any Health Coaching service in the same calendar year as the class.