The hate for my body began 22 years ago when I traded playing sports for waitressing, then gained 20lbs. Immediately I turned to marketing, media, and what was trending for weight loss to take action and make drastic changes.
There were many reasons I eventually got very unhealthy with stress fractures, allergies, asthma, a crampy gassy bloated belly, anxiety, GERD, and panic attacks. At my rock bottom; chronic sinus infections and illness. My focus on the outside did not address what was in need of attention on the inside or my lifestyle as a whole–the root cause. It wasn’t until 7 years later, a new mom, desperate and suffering, did I begin to challenge my beliefs and question everything I was doing with my nutrition. In searching, I learned how crucial it was to switch my focus to health.
My options were weighing, counting, measuring, math, drugs, habits, behaviors and mindset? Or did I need something in between? It was all so confusing.
The human body was created, formed, grown, and nourished on nutrition that never required much thought for the vast majority of its existence. It was breastmilk for growth and development along with; water, plants, and animals for fuel to gain energy and health.
In America today nutrition is a heated topic of debate. There is no shortage of advice being given from uneducated health professionals with zero hours of nutrition education, to teenagers on TikTok, to the most science based logic driven, to the nature based holistic centered. There are multiple ways to find information on food. Most of which are centered on profit.
What do you choose to listen to and believe? What have you questioned? What have you taken on as the truth? What guides and influences these thoughts?
If getting and staying healthy is a struggle, chances are; the deeply held beliefs about nutrition, preparing food, and how your body thrives are getting in the way.
Afterall, consistency with action that is sustainable and supports healing and thriving is the only nutrition that truly “works”. If it’s not working today, it was never the best for health in the first place!
One of the details discovered for my unique body was the benefits of adding in beef and eliminating dairy. It’s been an incredibly healthy and thriving decade creating and choosing meals like this soup!
What beliefs need to change for you as mine did for me?
Dairy Free Cheeseburger Soup
By Audrey Byker Health Coach
-1 batch cashew cheese
-1 onion, chopped
-1lb. Ground beef(grassfed, know your farmer)
-1 ½ Tbls. steak seasoning blend
-1, 14oz. Can diced tomatoes
-8 medium potatoes, chopped
-2 qts beef stock
-1 lb. green beans, frozen
Saute onion and beef on medium heat. Brown meat then add seasoning. Stir to combine. Add remaining ingredients(not cashew cheese yet), bring to boil, then simmer on low, covered, until potatoes are cooked through. Stir in prepared cashew cheese before serving. Store chilled in an airtight container up to three days or freeze in mason jars filled ¾ full up to 6 months.
Audrey Byker Health Coach is an experienced and professional nutrition and health coach who offers free 30 min. consults in person at her private office or online for anyone 13 and older ready to change!