Culinary Institute of America, Worlds of Flavor Conference in Napa, CA


A health coach at a culinary conference? You’re not an executive chef or a hospital leader? In the very first main session at the CIA WOF conference in Napa, CA, I knew my decision to fly across the country, invest in my clients and kitchen skills was a great one!  I could not have stood out more as health coach, yet comfortably fit right at the same time--we all love to create the best tasting food! If there was a camera capturing my face at every cooking demo, my eyes would have been open wide with my jaw in hand, as I forced it shut to keep the drool IN.

Wait a minute. How did I get here…..

Looking back at my college years, sometime between varsity softball practice and Hope College track 2-a-days, I discovered the connection between what I perceived as “health” food and physically appearing to look more like my friends(my first misstep).

In those college days, my menu included plain oatmeal, steamed, frozen veggies--california blend--with pan seared chicken. No sauce. No fat. Occasionally, I’d branch out and have cottage cheese or lettuce with fat free raspberry vinaigrette.  Through every diet: Slim Fast, Body For Life, The Zone, Atkins, and plain ol’ starvation, my culinary skills remained limited in flavor, variety and actual nutrition.

Ironically, or so I thought, the more I ate bland, diet foods, the harder it was to maintain my weight. And here’s why: Typically, a week would pass before the cravings would grow from something I could dismiss to flat out unbearable! The week would drag on until the moment I’d finally give in and binge on every form of sugar and fat I could find! There was a point when Saturdays were dedicated to baking and binging.  My body and mind were starving for nutrients, sending all the natural signals to get what I required.

For years beyond college and into adulthood my gut nudged at me to make a change, while my brain fought getting past  the numbers and empty promises the diet culture instilled. But, when I finally gave in, when I finally honored my second brain-the gut- my “diet” books were traded for cookbooks! How quickly the kitchen became my happiest place on earth. 

One thing is for sure; healthy is trending globally--real food, mostly plants, veggies as the stars, and sustainably and locally sourced ingredients.  The best and most famous chefs are striving to produce quality food that also ignites PLEASURE with the eating experience. They are committed to very little waste while honoring their country’s authentic cuisines and biodiversity.

Healthy food is pleasurable, TRUST ME.  Some of the delicious food trends I learned about included:

  1. Let the basic ingredients shine--less is more

  2. Vegetables at the base/star of the meal

  3. Squash and root vegetable purees, mashes, and deep fried--such an awesome sweet vegetable

  4. Olive oil is a condiment and garnish--drizzle that healthy fat goodness everywhere and don’t be afraid to deep fry with it, also

  5. Biodiversity:  for our planet and guts means “Eat the rainbow and choose local”

  6. Authentic, native cuisine is the best cuisine there is. Honor your ethnicity, but never be afraid to be open to trying something new--Like the camel burger from the middle east and having empathy for someone who is different than you!

  7. Eat fermented and cultured foods every day—for gut health and zero waste

While listening to the chefs from around the world share their creative work and how being a chef has molded their lives, I found myself in tears countless times, so inspired by the vulnerability and bravery.  One chef in particular stepped away from the kitchen and poured his heart out about his experience hiring illegal immigrants to work in his kitchen and how incredibly special they are to him--all people just the same as you or me.  

I’ll admit, I pictured myself standing there, sharing my healthy creations with the crowd, but even more so, telling my story of how I got here.  The kitchen is THE healing place, it’s where time is needed and honored for every body to be fed and thrive. Getting stuck in a rut by eating the same thing far too often or choosing convenience food to save time derails healthy lifestyle efforts for everyone! Perhaps a health coach at a culinary conference is exactly the change we need to see in this world after all—transformation happens the most when we stop doing what we’ve always done and trade if for a wild and passionate dream.